Palmer Media Podcasts
Here are some examples of podcasts produced by Palmer Media. Click on the logo to check out the show page for each podcast. These are great examples of the types of projects we can do for you. Whether it’s an audio podcast, a video series, or an ongoing media-as-a-service program, we design custom media programs to amplify your authentic voice.
And here’s our flagship Trending in Ed podcast on Youtube. Let us help you find your authentic voice with content and distribution like this.
Products and Rates
We’re flexible and will work with you to establish the right working relationship. Whether it’s launching a podcast, training your team, or becoming a one-stop-shop for media strategy and production, we thrive on our clients’ success.
Here are rates for our most popular packages.

Palmer Media is a full-service digital consultancy focused on podcasting, thought partnership, and media strategy. With over 25 years experience leading in edTech, learning media, and digital innovation, we help you make magic and meaning happenb through authentic thought leadership programs.
Contact us to let us know what you’re looking to do and how we might help.